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Terms and Conditions

VOS Veterinary Specialists are governed by the terms and conditions set out below, the main points for service provision are outlined in this summary. If you wish to view the full terms and conditions document this is downloadable in pdf format using the button below.


We will always endeavour to provide the highest level of service possible, please use the contact form if you wish to speak with us regarding any issues with the services provided, thank you.


VOS reserves the right not to provide advice at the specialists’ discretion. In this case the client receives a refund of the consultation fee -15% for administrative charges.

Terms and Conditions - Summary

Response Time

Response time is up to 4 working days, we will endeavour to respond sooner where possible. In exceptional circumstances we may occassionally run over this time (illness, further case information required, ect), in this scenario you should expect to be informed in advance.


The veterinary advice provided by our specialists is based on the information provided to VOS Ltd, not on our clinical evaluation of the patient. The intended recipients of the advice VOS Ltd provides are registered veterinary practitioners with a valid license to practise veterinary medicine granted by their appropriate governing organisation. These veterinary practitioners remain fully responsible for the treatment of their patients. Checking the dosages of suggested medication and/or products must be in accordance with a 'cascade' and remains the sole responsibility of a registered veterinary surgeon responsible for the care of the patient. Specialist Veterainry advice should not substitute a visit to a veterinary surgeon.


The information provided in our reports is confidential, non-authorised distribution of this material is forbidden. VOS Ltd retains the rights to all materials produced.

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