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Who are we?

We are boarded and residency trained veterinary specialists from a range of disciplines. The majority of our team is Polish but we are also supported by colleagues from around the world in order to offer the broadest range of services possible. We have come together as a community to offer remote access to specialist expertise for veterinarians, owners and their pets, with a focus on Poland.

Dog Running in Water

Meet The Team

What is a veterinary boarded specialist?

All veterinary specialists have graduated from a vet school, the same as a primary care veterinarian will have done. Following this they gather clinical experience in different environments. The first step is an internship which takes between 12-18 months which typically takes place at a University hospital or private clinics where there are already boarded specialists employed. Currently, this type of internship is only possible to be completed outside of Poland. Having selected their particular area of clinical interest, candidates then enter into a competitive selection process for a supervised residency position taking a minimum of 3 years to complete. During this period of intensive clinical training, supervision and guidance is provided by a range of board certified specialists. In addition to successfully completing an approved residency programme it is a requirement that a research project is conducted and results published in a peer reviewed journal. The final requirement is successful completion of board examinations in your chosen discipline. 


By this time all potential specialists will have been under professional training and development for over 10 years. As a result all specialists have a high degree of professional expertise in their chosen fields and are officially registered with their respective discipline’s governing bodies. Continuous professional development and publishing peer reviewed research is a requirement of maintaining memberships status, as a result all our specialists continue to actively contribute to their respective fields.  

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